Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Because who says breakdowns can't have a little humor...

I had a blog on this site back when skinny jeans, moustaches, and acid wash would have landed somebody on a what not to wear list. At a time when blogging was reserved for 40 year old Dungeons and Dragons players who live in their parents' basement, I decided to reduce my thoughts on law school to writing so that all 5 of my friends could read them. But then something happened. It caught on, and I was asked if my little blog could be sponsored.

If I were asked when this breakdown started, my knee-jerk answer is when the upstairs hall light went out. It was one of those bulbs that is supposed to be green and work for ages. So, I tolerated the creepy delay and dim initial light it put out, knowing full well I was single-handedly saving the Earth.

SO the light went out. It has become a symbol of all the little lights, flickering and going dim all around me. I'm left standing here thinking, how the hell do you change a lightbulb in a second story stairwell in the dark? You grab a flashlight and tell somebody you are presently standing unattended on a ladder, in case you fall.

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